maandag 22 juli 2019

Elemon as inspiration

hole in the wall experiment india :: (DuckDuckGo) search terms
the original TED presentation

Do a youtube seach for ram-pump or ram pump
No electrical energy needed, just a water level difference of about 50cm, preferably more.

text analysis with r :: search terms

I am a big fan of the very cheap but versatile Raspberry Pi's. Thought I remembered an article about R published in the raspberry magazine MagPi. But it was about the Wolfram language that is available for free when used on a raspberry pi. ;-)
Checked the Wolfram documentation and found this for Text Analysis.

For the presentation of your statistical data keep an eye on

Googles Blogger can make a blogspot that is easier than wordpress or
Sometimes the internet breaks down. Power outage or beloved leaders that do not want us to communicate.
But our smart phones contain a radio, the WiFi chip is effectively a radio transmitter/receiver. The FireChat app (android and apple) makes use of it and enables chats without the internet - between nearby devices. Please have a good look at their videos and features in the app store.

Back to Rachel-Pi; because it is designed to be used without the internet. It provides a specially curated Wikipedia for learning and other learning sources. Clients = Pupils can access the server because it provides its own WiFi Access Point. Depending on what kind of Raspberry Pi is used simultaneous access of around 6 to 8 for a Raspberry Zero, up to about 20 for a Raspberry 3 should be possible. Total costs around € 125 or lower for the Zero option. The Raspi 3 is rapidly dropping in price because there is a newer Pi 4 on the market now.